Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A second thought

"Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky
And all that I can see is just a yellow Lemon tree"

Yet one day…
You said I could feel
And I believed you 

You showed me the sky
I reached for the stars
Why did you cut my wings?

'You won't regret trusting me'


You said I could feel
I denied it




You said I could feel
I cannot.
I was never hurt—I will never heal.
You showed me love,
And I can never understand

But know that if I could,
If any happiness of mine were true,
I would be happy the way I am.

I live the simple life of a man
A soulless man, a happy man
The simple life of
A soulless man happy to never feel happy.
And you said I could feel.


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Close your eyes,
Killer of the night;
Cross your arms.

I give you this flower,
Withered like my dreams,
'Tis the white chrysantemum,
The flower of the dead.

Oh slayer from the dark,
You kill less than I do.
I may be the sinner,
but this sin I will undo.

Cards for sorrow,
Cards for pain.
Savior from the light,
May you be their guide,
In a world like this,
In a world insane.

Unreal ~ Perception

Everything seems
so distant
so faraway
Are you there?
I don't care.

I see you
I don't acknowledge you
I feel you
My mind doesn't.

Who are you?
Your name means..
You're just there.
And I don't care.

That's how I see you

You're just
a mere notion
a simple thought.
You don't exist.

For me,
you are unreal.
Never happened.
You're not part
of my world.

But in such a world
where people don't exist
where people mean nothing
Who am I?

Irreal ~ Percepção

Tudo tão longe
Tão distante
Estão aí?
Mesmo que estejam...
Que diferença faz?

Eu os vejo.
Não os percebo
Eu os sinto
Minha mente,

Estão aí?
Quem é você?
Não o seu nome.
Para mim, você é...
Um substantivo.

Um mero conceito.
Você não existe.

Pra mim
 você é irreal.
Você nunca aconteceu.
Não faz parte
do meu mundo.

Mas em um mundo
em que as pessoas
simplesmente não existem
Quem sou eu?
In my darkest hours, I could not foresee that the tide could turn so fast to this degree

Por favor, por favor me perdoe. Se eu soubesse que iria cair a esse nível, já teria feito isso há muito tempo. Eu prometi a mim mesmo que nunca, nunca cometeria este mesmo erro---e eu cumprirei minha palavra. Eu estou.

Você nunca mais me verá. Me ouvirá. Me sentirá. Quando jazerei frio na terra, somente então pararei de te atormentar, assombrar, somente então estará tudo tão certo quanto poderia estar. Somente então estará segura----de mim. Eu nunca mais virei para você.

Doce bebida toca meus lábios, mas mais doces são as trevas que eu sei que breve estão por vir. Nunca mais, nunca mais terei que me preocupar, nunca mais terá que temer-me. Eu não farei isso, não farei. Isso é a última coisa em mim que confio. Minha resolução com certeza trará isso a um fim.

Tem que.

In my darkest hours, I could not foresee that the tide could turn so fast to this degree

Please, please forgive me. If I had even known I would sink so low, I would have done this so very long ago. I promised myself I would never, ever make this same mistake---and I will hold true to my word. I am.

You will never see me again. Hear me again. Feel me again. When I lay cold in the ground, only then will I cease to haunt you, only then will things be set right. Only then will you be truly safe from me. I will never come back for you.

Sweet beverage touches my lips, but sweeter is the darkness soon to follow. Nevermore, nevermore will I have to worry, will you have to fear. I won’t do this, I won’t. This is the last thing I can trust about myself. My resolution will bring this to an end.

It has to.
